Matika Wilbur, Project 562 Founder
Demystifying: The Way We See Native America
Tuesday, November 20, 5:30-7:30 p.m., EMU Redwood Auditorium
Matika Wilbur earned her BFA from Brooks Institute of Photography where she double majored in Advertising and Digital Imaging. Based in the Pacific Northwest, Matika is the creator of Project 562, a photography project to photograph all the tribes in the United States:
The initiative has taken Matika to over 300 tribal nations dispersed throughout 40 U.S. states where she has taken thousands of portraits, and collected hundreds of contemporary narratives from the breadth of Indian Country all in the pursuit of one goal: To Change The Way We See Native America.
Matika’s visit has been made possible due to a number of partners from across campus, including the BESeries, Native American Student Union and many others. One of our Native SOJC students, Mitchell Lira, has been instrumental in making this visit possible, with further support from Dean Molleda, Torsten Kjellstrand and Scott Maier.