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Nikki Usher, George Washington University
Hackers, Data and Code in the Age of Trump
Thursday, February 23, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Diamond Lake Room, EMU
What does Trump’s election mean for data journalism? Nikki Usher will discuss her new book, Interactive Journalism: Hackers, Data, and Code, and look ahead to what’s next for interactive journalism across the world.
The news industry has hailed interactive journalists as its saviors and claimed them as resident authorities of quantification and digital skills the newsroom. But data isn’t as objective as we like to think. Given its significant influence on public opinion, how we present data and statistics is critical, as it can be particularly damaging when done poorly. Thinking about the promises and perils of interactive journalism has never been more important. This talk aspires to be a starting point for this conversation at the SOJC.